CCTV and Alarm Installation • CommercialResidential

Security Cameras Save Your Business Money

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Purchasing a few reliable surveillance cameras

Simply put, purchasing a few reliable surveillance cameras for your business can yield a high return on investment.

Video surveillance offers a number of benefits to the everyday business owner.  Not only do they protect against outside break-ins and burglaries, but they also play a critical role in sustaining your business and making it a safer place to work.  Simply put, purchasing a few reliable surveillance cameras for your business security can yield a high return on investment.

Employee Theft: 

Sure, it might be hard to imagine that your own employees would actually steal from your business, but surprisingly it does happen more than many business owners might think. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, approximately 75% of employees steal.  Unfortunately in this day and age, one of the only sure-fire ways to catch them in the act and reclaim your assets is with a surveillance camera.  When employees know they’re under surveillance, they’ll think twice before taking such a risk.

Reduce Insurance Costs:

This is an easy way to save money on your business insurance. Many insurance providers today offer discounted insurance rates when you buy surveillance cameras for your store or office.  As a business owner with insurance, it’s important to invest in certain measures to avoid expensive insurance premiums.  A dependable indoor or outdoor surveillance system assures your insurance provider that you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your business from theft, which in turn, makes their job easier. Your business suddenly becomes less of a liability on their end.

Workflow Monitoring:

Are your employees actually working the full 8-hour shift, or are they spending their time doing something else? Employee monitoring is not just for recording theft.  With the right surveillance cameras, you can find out what your employees are doing, and if any measures need to be taken to boost efficiency.  This is especially helpful for retail business owners who can use monitoring to find out if they’re over- or understaffed.  Just two minutes of video can tell you a lot about your company’s operational model.

Avoid Frivolous Lawsuits

The last thing you need is a lawsuit brought by a disgruntled employee who faked a slip-and-fall injury in order to sue your business. Security cameras are excellent deterrents against these types of crimes.  Physical fights between employees or harassment claims can also spawn lawsuits; installed cameras will be integral in protecting yourself and your business.

Safer Workplace

Protecting your employees is just as important as protecting your business. Security cameras should be mounted at entrances, exits, and in parking lots to create a safer environment for your employees. No only will they feel more at ease walking to their cars after dark, but this security tactic also prevents vehicle break-ins, vandalism, and other petty crime activity around your office or store.

Security cameras can do much more for your business than catch criminals. When all is said and done, they’re designed to secure, protect, and monitor your company and employees.  Discover how easy it is to safeguard your assets, better serve your employees, and improve the day-to-day operations of your business with a surveillance camera that’s built to help in more ways than one.

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it surrounding areas for 15+ years.

AZ CCTV & Security

AZ CCTV is a family owned business serving the entire area of Arizona with great services and top notch equipment. We are proud to provide excelent security services since 2017.
AZ ROC 317415 | CR67
Licensed, Bonded & Insured


